
2023年1月20日—Wearemovingfromaworldoffreetradetooneofbilateraltradingblocs.TheChina/UStraderelationshipcontinuestodeteriorate.,Companiesareincreasinglyaskingwhichoftheirvaluechainactivitiesarebestperformedwithintheirowncompanyandwhichmaybeoutsourced.,2023年10月23日—Inaddition,thereisadifferentiationofinternationaloutsourcingintooffshoringandnearshoring,dependingonhowfarthecompanyis ...,由MFJSa...

Apple's Reliance On China Poses A Problem For The ...

2023年1月20日 — We are moving from a world of free trade to one of bilateral trading blocs. The China/US trade relationship continues to deteriorate.

Global Outsourcing and Offshoring

Companies are increasingly asking which of their value chain activities are best performed within their own company and which may be outsourced.

Outsourcing at Apple as One of Change Strategies

2023年10月23日 — In addition, there is a differentiation of international outsourcing into offshoring and nearshoring, depending on how far the company is ...

Onshoring: An i

由 MFJ Salazar 著作 · 被引用 1 次 — As there are reasons as to why offshoring is no longer a solution for companies that once saw outsourcing as a competitive edge, it is also the modern world and ...

How Apple's outsourcing strategy created two giant ...

2015年6月1日 — Discover how Apple created two of their biggest competitors, by Matthew Griffin.

Lessons from the Apple

2024年4月20日 — Beyond transactional outsourcing, Apple and Foxconn have ... How can you capitalize on vendor management outsourcing and offshoring trends?

Offshoring Practice At Apple Company

2020年5月19日 — According to our book offshoring is in contrast to outsourcing is when “ a company takes one of its factories that it is operating and move the ...

Apple Inc.'s Offshore Management and Labor Rights

2021年7月21日 — Indeed, Apples outsourced factories have been accused of engaging in sweatshop operations where employees often work under excessive long hours ...

Apple, Offshoring and the Decline of the American Middle ...

2012年7月31日 — Apple didn't invent outsourcing to China, but it did make the practice chic, and Apple has made Foxconn what it is today (and what it is ...

iPhone Made in India

2019年7月22日 — Speaking of Apple's manufacturing being outsourced, it's clear that they get parts and resources that are challenging to access and assemble the ...